Sunday 1 September 2013


This will be a short post to introduce the blog. I have long been trying to find a channel to write my ideas about certain games, movies, music etc. Since not many of my friends share similar interests, especially in gaming, I decided to start writing a blog, where I introduce and explain, rate and recommend what I've lately tried out/ watched/ listened to. I will try to post weekly/ at least every second week.
Games I mainly play on Nintendo 3DS, Wii, PlayStation 2/3 (4 soon, hopefully), PSP and PC. I play everything from a good single player on a console to some MMOs online. When it comes to movies, I enjoy pretty much everything, but some degree of fantasy always warms my heart.
I am also into books and comics, but those have got a bit less of my attention lately, partially because of my studies, which include a lot of reading.
I hope you enjoy your time, don't hesitate to comment or recommend anything! I will try to answer all questions, should you have any.

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